Friday, December 3, 2010


1I   I very much enjoyed this PE class. It was nice to be given the opportunity to teach the class an activity. Teaching a tactical perspective was a lot easier, because you thought of a skill that needed to be worked on, and then built up your activities for that. Whereas the first time teaching, you just had to put together a lesson plan to teach kids social and personal responsibility. However, I do think social and personal repsonsibilty is a bit more important, just because it it something everyone needs to work on. Some kids have the tactical problem you are teaching downpat, while others really dont care. But when teaching kids how to be respectful, it is something that we all need to know and work on. These two models can easily, and always should be, intergrated. In any skill you are working on, it is easy to find a game that also requires the students to work together, be respectful, and to just have fun. 
If I do end up becoming a PE teacher, which is what I was initially planning on doing, this class will have really helped me that. I learned a that there is a lot more to teaching PE then just telling the kids what their gonna play, and then watching them do it. This class was a lot of fun, besides these blogs, of course. Every lesson was a good time, filled with activities and laughter. I'm really gonna miss it!

Friday, November 26, 2010


tactical problem: shooting


players line up on each corner of the goal line, half and half. the first player skates around the dot just past the blue line, the first player in the opposite line passes him in the puck and skates in and takes a shot. the player who passed then skates around his red dot and the same thing continues.


have players stand in three different lines at centre, spread all the wya across the line. the line in the middle has the puck. they pass to one of the other lines and then skate around them, the player who recieves the pass then passes it to the player in the other line and skates around him. this continues until one of the players is close enough to shoot at the net.

both these drills are fun and help the players with not only their shooting, but also their passing and communication.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Tactical problem : Serving in Volleyball

Dead Fish
 Divide the group into two teams, and seperate them on each side of the court.
 Each player has a ball and serves it over the net. If he or she fails to complete serve, they must go to the other teams side and sit down.
 As their team continues serving, if they catch one of their teammates serves, they can then proceed back to their own side and continue on with the game.
 The team who runs out of players first, loses.

 Players divide up equally on each side of the net each with there own ball. Then on the wistle, each player takes turns serving his or her ball over the net to the other side. If this is done right, players will serve and then the moment they are done serving, another ball will be coming over from the other side. The player then uses this ball to serve and the drill is repeated. Players should start with a regular overhand serve, then move into a float serve, then if possible, a jump serve.

Monday, November 1, 2010

soccer shooting drills

if a kid is having problems with shooting in soccer here are two games to help he or she get better.

1. lightning
one person goes in goal and the rest of the kids stand in a line 18 yards away. once they shoot, if they dont score they go in net. if they score they go to the back of the line. then the next person does the same thing. this is suppose to be a fast paced and continuos game. it works on conditiong, focus, and most of all, shooting.

2. world cup
each student finds a partner and stands in the 18 yard box. the coach then throws balls out and each pair has to work together against all the other teams to score on net. if they score they step out and advance on to the next round, which takes place  once there is only one team left, that team is out. continue until there is a winning pair. this game teaches kids to react, work together, communicate, pass, and shoot.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cooperation vs. Competition

        I believe cooperation is usually more important then competition, but it all depends on the situation. When dealing with young PE students, focusing more on cooperation is definitely a better idea. However, as they get older and more into sports, they will need to become more competitive. It is easily possible to have a balance between the two. When a child loses a competition, it is very likely for their self esteem to be lowered, but if he or she has the support of their peers, it may not affect it. And, no matter how old we get, winning always boosts our self esteem! When playing games, I don't think it's a good idea to stay away from competition just so kids feelings don't get hurt. Eventually sometime in their life they will have to deal with it, so protecting them from it will only make things worse in years to come. When it comes to elite sports in schools, I think they are very necessary. There are many kids out there, including myself, who never did exceptionally well in school. Eilte sports give them the opportunity to gain confidence and get noticed. It also teaches them hardwork and dedication. People always say everyone has their own special talents, and without elite sports, many kids wouldn't get the chance to share that special talent.

Monday, October 4, 2010

I liked this website because it is very easy to use and everything is right infront of you. The instructions are simple and easy to understand. There arent a whole lot of options but there is a wide variety of games, and most of them seem fun and interesting.

This website was nice and reliable because it is super easy to print things off. It goes into detail and makes things very understandable. The games are refreshingly uncommon and look like they would be entertaining. Some are also very innovative and would make kids think as well as keep them active.

On this site, there were multiple options, and it was easy to find what you wanted because there were many categories to choose from. It goes into detail and there are even some pictures for visual examples on certain ones, which could come in handy.