When teaching kids physical education, I believe there are many things worth teaching. Hopefully the majority of your students have been brought up using proper etiquette. However, there may be a few who haven't, so it's a good idea to review manners and respect. Children need to know how to respect themselves, their peers, and their surroundings. It is crucial to set rules and expectations so that kids have guidelines and structure. Having a visual reminder of proper behavior can often be very helpful to refer back to. Always encourage them to have a commendable attitude and find the positive in everything. Even if it is something they strongly dislike, help them realize that if they try harder enough, they can take something good from it.
To give kids a sense of pride and accomplishment, it's a good idea to assign small duties. This will also teach them the importance of helping others and they will get an idea of what it is like to have responsibilities. To help them grasp the idea of teamwork a bit better, you may even assign group tasks, where a number of students have to work together to get the job done. There are obviously many other ways to teach them to cooperate with each other, such as team games like basketball or soccer.A good thing to always encourage your class to do is to take leadership. Have them do demonstrations or lead the other students in an activity. Just keep in mind that not everyone likes to be the leader; some kids are not comfortable having that much attention drawn to them.
Your class should be given the opportunity to be taught all skills in all sports. However, if they are not succeeding, their grade should not be affected, as long as they are keeping a positive attitude and attempting to try everything. If they are nowhere near being the class all-star, encourage them to not give up. What's more important then teaching skills is teaching personal health. Kids need to learn to keep themselves active and healthy, as obesity and many other issues are becoming more common in adolescence. Lastly, give your students the opportunity to voice their opionions by asking them questions like if they liked the class, disliked the class, what they might want to play in future classes, and how they did that day. Remind them to speak out but in a positive and respectful manner.
I agree that it is so important to give kids an opportunity to be successful and show their unique strengths. As teachers we role model respect and leadership and hopefully our students will pick up on these characteristics. When planning our classes we need to make sure we give them those "leadership" tasks that you mentioned to show how much they can accomplish. Well done!